Our Make or Break Impact


2021-22 was our year of ‘Make or Break’. Recognising the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ statement that 2021 is a ‘make or break’ year to confront the global climate emergency, we knew that this year had the potential for impact, change and action.

Gurjit Singh Lalli Curator & Founder of TEDxGlasgow

It’s been an incredible year for TEDxGlasgow in this Make or Break year and we are delighted to publish our Impact Report.

This year saw the successful launch and implementation of our Climate Action Initiative, inspired by the globally-impactful COP26. We built a proactive community of organisations, which met at virtual ‘Climate Action Initiative Monthly Meet Ups’ and held an in-person workshop in Glasgow ahead of October’s TEDxGlasgow annual conference.

Whilst we were still limited throughout some of the year with in-person meetings, in 2021-22, we reached people digitally through free live streams of our events. Our October conference reached 47K people online, and our January ‘Virtual Gathering’ reached 14K people, showing people’s growing appetite for learning how to make change happen.

A key mission this year was for our Partners to share their climate action work and knowledge; learning from one another and sharing their challenges and successes. Crucially, we wanted to enable collaboration between partners, harnessing opportunities for working together across sectors to accelerate climate action. With COP26 illustrating how 2021 really was a Make or Break Year, our goal was to make tangible change that creates real impact.

As well as generating joint ventures and cross-working, we also reviewed Ideas, inspirations and actions generated by our TEDxGlasgow Conference. In tandem, we examined Global change and current affairs, such as how the current energy crisis and recent geopolitical events affect climate action plans and commitments.

Several exciting joint ventures were born as a result, of which some are illustrated within this report.

2021-22 has been a year of significant action and real change, driven by our incredibly dedicated community of volunteers, speakers, participants and partners. As we look forward to the year ahead, we are excited and determined to effect more change that is both significant and authentic.”

“Thank you for being a part of TEDxGlasgow.”

Our Make or Break Partners

Main Partners

Strategic Partners

Nikki Berry